"Doors" is a completely hand drawn, mixed media illustration written by me as a joke.
Oh yes, you read that correctly. It started several years ago, when working as a receptionist I noticed the problem with our front door.
If the handle wasn't turned all the way down the door would stick and the outside parties were left thinking the door was locked.
Brian, a client and one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to taunt about such a thing, was one of the victims.
Of course this did not stop my teasing, and the joke of the door was born.
Using this idea, I created this piece. Inspired by the creative mind and whimsical style of Dr. Seuss, "Doors" is a runaway joke
that bloomed into a wonderful inspiration.
Oh yes, you read that correctly. It started several years ago, when working as a receptionist I noticed the problem with our front door.
If the handle wasn't turned all the way down the door would stick and the outside parties were left thinking the door was locked.
Brian, a client and one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to taunt about such a thing, was one of the victims.
Of course this did not stop my teasing, and the joke of the door was born.
Using this idea, I created this piece. Inspired by the creative mind and whimsical style of Dr. Seuss, "Doors" is a runaway joke
that bloomed into a wonderful inspiration.
"Doors" Written and Illustrated by Katie Rizzo Just what, oh what, is a door I implore? Another bland, boring, dull, dreary chore? (An object it seems we must seek to explore!) Some barely the size of the tiniest mouse, and some are the size of the side of a house! The colors are many, from left to far right. The darkest of darks, the lightest of lights. (And some in between that are far, far too bright.) There are doors that open with the greatest of ease, and some you must fight and beg, "open please!" Some have buttons, and some open alone, (the work of course, of door moving gnomes.) The doors have odd doorware in all sizes and shape, both as a "keep out!" and a means of escape. Be careful when using and wait for the click (or be just like Brian and we'll laugh when it sticks.) Now see, was that such an uneasy task? You've sought out the knowledge of the doorway at last! Stand tall and stand proud, for now you know more (and you thought they were just a simple old bore!) knowing is fun and whats fun all the more, now you are the one who knows all about doors! |